Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thanx a million JESUS

I juss pray an wait to see, wake up tha next day

An thas what he gave to me. im thankful, Situations faced day to day

Troubled minds, sometimes comes an attack a 100 times.

But a righteous man stands after fallen 7 times.

Theres meanings to things and,… we don't understand.

Lean not to only what we understand,…..

Windows might close. For a door to be opened on tha other end

or vise versa……. But he knows best

An it Sounds like a plan anyway. So I cant complain.

Eternity defies man's imagination and comprehension

What happen is what's meant. But self is titled to its own decisions.

Eternity- it's not an object, nor place or period of time.

It juss floats threw air. Sometimes we forget an live careless with no cares.

But one day it'll happen when u an I will stand there…………….

Failing to receive CHRIST will result in eternal banishment from god. Life is too uncertain, death is too sure, and eternity is too long to further risk delay. GOD'S word is to be accepted now. An im talkin to self, to Cyrus 1st then to who ever reads an take it in!!!

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