Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I Hide back deep inside, beyond confidence beneath tha pride.

tribulations an trials, seekin ways out im on tha proul i browse

tryna get down deep inside i pri.

harder to hardest i try to emerge.

but again i sink an submerge to back's line.

so ahead feelin far behind alarm ringin so im behind time.

its me in a nut shell.

an the opposite of my exterior lies within a nutshell.

so complex oderless turn to scent.

moneyless turnin to cents, direct words understated as hints.

doctor stetch up the open wounds.

take me out the shadow of the fullin moon.

put me in a place of a glowin sun where flowers bloom.

as i open the door of the first room i assume trouble is near.

because all i hear is doom. like BOOOOOM.

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