Saturday, May 17, 2008

love's wildcard

Lets Do it again,………………. Of coarse life goes on, it has no choice.

But a heart does.

It can be at a stand still until the end.

An if u don’t think keep liven it’ll only take a min you’ll see it then.

Love is strange, a place where u might even see drowners swimm, or veterans at begin!

It has no choice but to be driven where it wants to be drove, or dive where it wants to dove.

An only passionate to end up in tha place it wants to go.

It cant an wont stop on tha walls in all's tha halls of watches on father times walls, where all clocks tick an never stall.

Since tha day he walked away but back an forth at a time to say, shes a maze

her ways continue to change, so afraid to step out that skin shes been standin in afraid of tha pain,……….

But it hurts LOVE tha most danggg!

On behalf of this man looking out for this gurl you are tha guide an tha weight of her world.

Sippin water from tha wishin well that wished it well, that was well aware but couldn’t tell.

Cause Love knows tha heart

, but im so confused i wish i'd tell, nothing else to lose,…

even if it leaves a bruise, an continue to swell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u r amazing!!!